Ecuador is a republic with a democratic decentralized government, located in the northwest of South America. Spanish is the country's official language, and the United States dollar is the legal currency since 2000.
Ecuador has a population of approximately 17 million people and in 2020, its gross domestic product was USD $98.81 billion.
It suffered a decrease because of the pandemic emergency.
Ecuador has some of the world's most varied geography. Its territory is divided into four geographical regions: Andean Highland region, Coastal Lowland region, Eastern or Amazonia region and Insular region.
The country has enormous economic potential. Traditionally, its economy has been focused on the major oil industry and mineral resources as well as agriculture (banana, cocoa, coffee, flowers, roses, heart of palm and palm oil), aquaculture (shrimp and tilapia), fishing (tuna and sardines) and wood (balsa and teak) production.