Argentina is located in the extreme south of the American continent, being the eighth-largest country in the world and the second in Latin America in terms of territorial extension. It has a continental surface of 2.8 million km2 and with 969 thousand km2 on the Antarctic continent. The continental surface extends 3,694 kilometers from north to south (between parallel 21º and 55º) and 1,423 kilometers from east to west (between meridian 53º and 63º). Argentina has access to the South Atlantic Ocean and, through the Strait of Magellan, to the South Pacific. The country limits to the east with the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Atlantic Ocean; to the west and south with the Republic of Chile; and to the north with the Republics of Bolivia and Paraguay. Its geographical position gives it direct access to a regional market of 240 million people, in addition to its more than 40 million inhabitants.
The Argentine Constitution adopts the republican, representative and federal forms of government. The federal form of government establishes the division of power between the federal government and the provincial governments, guaranteeing their autonomy. In this system coexist the national, sovereign government, whose jurisdiction covers the entire territory of the Nation, and the provincial governments, autonomous in the establishment of their institutions and their local constitutions, whose jurisdictions exclusively cover their respective territories. The political division of the Argentine territory includes 23 provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, which has a special regime of autonomy. For their part, the provinces divide their territory into municipalities; some of them are also divided into departments.