Stefano Rossi is a Certified Public Accountant with more than 10 years of experience and has gained comprehensive knowledge in international taxation and cross-border transactions, both in-bound and out-bound.
He has extensive experience in transfer pricing related aspects (functional and benchmarking analysis, value chain analysis, drafting of Master and Country specific files; Country-by-Country-Reporting; BEPS-related risks and issues) and on international tax-related matters (hidden PE identification, application of DTA, residency status, tax planning and tax risk management). The latter also includes the introduction of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms such as ex-post mechanisms (EU arbitration clause or the MAP) or ex-ante mechanisms (Advance Pricing Agreements).
He assists domestic and foreign entities in building up and managing their transfer pricing policies and transactions, making sure that they are in line with their business strategy. With that regard, he ensures that the documentary requirements are in line with the OECD guidelines and the domestic practices. He also provides legal advice in case of tax audits and tax assessments and has served as an expert witness in tax litigation cases.
He advises clients with regard to corporate income tax aspects across a wide range of industries (banking, automotive, long term rental, chemicals, luxury lightening and textiles, hospitality, educational, real estate, asset management, fine arts) and has worked on tax incentives such as Patent Box regime and the tax credit for research and development (R&D).
He regularly takes part in the commissions on Business Internationalization and Customs & Duties which are both established by the Venetian professional association of chartered accountants.
At Andersen, Stefano is the Transfer Pricing service line coordinator for the European region.
- University Ca' Foscari of Venice, Bachelor's Degree (Business Administration)
- University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Master’s Degree (Business Administration; summa cum laude)
- University of San Francisco, Master of Legal Studies (Taxation)