Pacôme is the founder and Managing Partner of the firm, currently working in the Abidjan office.
He has many years of experience, and his previous experiences include working in the private sector for Octide Group as well as consulting firms such as EY and Arthur Andersen.
Furthermore, he was also a professor at Ecole Supérieure de Commerce d’Abidjan (ESCA). Pacôme is a special adviser for the President of the General Confederation of Enterprises of Côte d’Ivoire (CGECI), the Ivorian employer’s union, mainly for tax issues. In this capacity, he represents the private sector in the Tax Reform Commission.
He is also an adviser of several professional groups such as the National Federation of Industries and Services of Côte d’Ivoire (FNISCI), the Union of Major Industrial Entreprises of Côte d’Ivoire (UGECI), the Association of Insurers of Côte d’Ivoire (ASA-CI), and the Professional Association of Banks and Financial Institutions of Côte d’Ivoire (APBEF-CI).

- University of Montpellier, Legal Diploma (Law)
- University of Dijon, Doctorate Degree (Law)
- University of Montpellier, Graduate Studies Certificate (Taxation)
- French and English