Demarchi, Mario

Mario Demarchi

Managing Director/Partner

Phone+41 91 912 33 22

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Mario Demarchi is an expert in controlling and reporting, and he has specific expertise in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors. Prior to working with Andersen in Switzerland, he was the CFO of a Swiss company that deals with the development of complex generic pharmaceutical products.

In dealing with SME's, Mario handles the construction of consolidation packages, organization of data collection and management of substantial flow of documentation as well as the set-up of various types of reporting to ensure information uniformity.

Mario has gained an in-depth knowledge of the Swiss taxation system and the dynamics that drive the economy. His extensive career spans over more than 20 years. He focuses his attention to detail in identifying financial, accounting and tax aspects that are relevant to both Swiss citizens and residents.

In human resources, he carefully analyzes the situation, validity and procedures concerning foreign workers (EU and non-EU). He helps clients to obtain Swiss working permits through the preparation of all relevant documentation inclusive of those related to Swiss social security. In addition, he makes sure that the coordination between Switzerland and foreign countries is in full compliance with the conventions and bilateral agreements.

Mario also supports companies regarding the selection of IT and accounting systems, pinpointing ineffective tools that sometimes lead to significant internal weakness within a business.


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Location   Lugano, Switzerland


  • ICEC, Federal Certificate of Specialist in Finance and Accounting
  • Swiss Certified Expert in Finance and Controlling


  • Italian
  • English
  • German
  • French


  • Federal Accountants Association Switzerland (ACF)
  • Fiduciary Register (Commercial)