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consulting / our solutions / SAP Transformation Services

Transforming Legacy Platforms

Enable Business Agility During Disruption

SAP Transformation

We don’t show up with a pre-conceived notion of where you should go next in your SAP journey. We listen to where you are, assess where you want to go and work with you to build a detailed roadmap of how to get where you want to be. Whether you are looking to grow into a net new SAP landscape as your company matures, consolidate a complex SAP landscape that has evolved through acquisitions, or master your journey to S/4HANA with a clean core and a light and nimble footprint for your AI and digital future, Andersen Consulting is here to be your advocate and long-term partner.

At Andersen Consulting, our client’s success is paramount.  We help you unlock new business value from your new or existing SAP solution, get you to an enhanced SAP solution quickly by leveraging advanced automation, pre-built add-ons, and industry aligned business process accelerators.  By doing this, we seek to gain your trust for the long term. We don’t see your current SAP project as the only one.  We see your SAP journey as ongoing, and we want to be your trusted advisor of choice for years to come.  We are committed to continuously bringing to you the best process advice, advanced solutions leveraging SAP, AI and Process Automation technologies, lessons learned across and within your industry and working with you side by side as you experience industry disrupting differentiation for how you go to market and deliver for your customers.

Andersen Consulting Delivers

Enhanced Business Processes within SAP

Let us help you define your differentiating processes through expanded digital footprint that helps your customers, vendors, and employees respond more rapidly and more robustly to the dynamic business environment in which we all operate today.  We seek to build responsive solutions that don’t require going into “system change” mode every time something new is presented by Governments, Competitors, and Customer demands.  By leveraging advanced AI solutions, integrated off the shelf software, and pre-configured solutions within SAP, together we can build more dynamic and responsive solutions that don’t require going through a long Software Development Lifecycle to offer powerful responses to new market demands.

Accelerated Time to Value

With our advanced software and delivery processes we can help you realize business value more quickly by reducing the need for pre-projects like Archiving, OS & DB upgrades, Migration to Business Partners and the Universal Journal as you migrate to S/4.  Further, by leveraging “No-Code” test automation and Robot Process Automation we can help you get to a production ready solution more rapidly and with higher confidence.

Long-Lasting Trust

We want to be your partner for the long term.  Whether it is for establishing your long-term strategy for your SAP solutions, sitting side by side with you to design and deploy SAP enhancements iteratively or maintaining your business as usual operations, Andersen Consulting seeks to be your partner of choice to provide you with continuous advantage in your marketplace.

Maximizing Value: Transforming SAP to S/4HANA

Detailed Assessments of what is used, and what has become obsolete

Using advanced analysis tools that have been developed over more than 25 years, we are able to give you unparalleled insights into what you use in your existing SAP solution, and what can potentially be sunset as part of your journey to S/4.  This provides you with an objective roadmap of what is of highest value to your organization, how well it fits to standard in the target S/4 solutions, and the information you need to make good choices of what data, configurations, and custom development should be carried forward.

This allows you to discern what you should keep, what you should leave behind, and what opportunities are available in the new target S/4 solution.

Lowering your Total Cost of Transformation

Andersen Consulting brings to bare the most advanced automation technologies for your S/4 transformation.  Through these technologies we are able to avoid or eliminate many steps that would ordinarily require separate “preparatory” projects like:

  • Archiving – Not needed when using selective data migration
  • Operating System and Database Upgrades – by copying directly from the old ERP/ECC to the new S/4HANA solution, we can avoid costly projects and avoid multiple downtimes
  • Remediation for those customizations that are chosen to be carried forward. Even though they work well in ERP/ECC, the code must be rewritten to leverage the HANA DB capabilities.  We use technologies that can do up to 95% of the code remediation without human intervention.
  • The transformation technologies and techniques we use automate required transformations for moving to S/4 like:
    • Conversion to the Universal Journal
    • Conversion of master data to Business Partners
    • Transformation of material master and warehousing data to the new S/4 advanced warehouse management capabilities
    • Unicode conversion
    • And many more

We leverage the most advanced software technologies for test and process automation. Our approach uses truly “no code” testing for business owner driven test development and “lights out” regression testing which can include test data generation, consumed test data replacement and test environment refresh from production with data scrambling to protect PII.